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Rowan Wei GENG | 耿伟

I am currently (2024-02-04) a second-year M.Phil. student at HKUST(GZ) under the supervision of Prof. Pan Hui, Prof. Gareth Tyson, and Prof. Dirk Kutscher.

Thanks to the supervision of Prof. Hui, Prof. Tyson, Prof. Chan, and Prof. Su, I have successfully defended my thesis examination for M.Phil. in Computational Media and Arts. I will join Chair of Connected Mobility at TU Munich, as a doctoral researcher under the supervision of Prof. Jörg Ott.

Short Bio

Before joining HKUST(GZ), I worked as a Research & Development Software Engineer at Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.. I obtained my M.Eng and B.Eng from Fudan University and Harbin Engineering University in 2020 and 2017 respectively. I also have internships in Ant Group Co., Ltd. and eBay Inc.. My current research interests lie in Edge Computing, Networked Systems.

Research Interests

  • Information-Centric Networking (ICN)
  • Edge Computing, Offloading for XR
  • Programming Languages Runtime Scheduling and Optimization (eg. Golang, Jave Runtimes)

Working Experience

  • Software Engineer - Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China - 2020~2022
  • Intern - Ant Group Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, China - Winter, 2018
  • Intern - eBay Inc., Shanghai, China - Summer, 2019


  • M.Phil. - The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Guangzhou, China - 2022~current
  • M.Eng. - Fudan University, Shanghai, China - 2017~2020
  • B.Eng. - Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China - 2013~2017


  • Basketball, Badminton, Ping-pong.
  • Chinese Calligraphy